Add a Video

There are several ways to add a video to the wiki site, but the easiest way is to find the video you want to add on You will know if your video is on if it has the YouTube logo in the bottom right-hand corner of the video. Many videos on sites show video from YouTube – that’s basically what we’ll do here.

If your video does not have the YouTube video logo, you should still see if it is on You can easily search for the video by going to, and entering the title of the video you are looking for in the search field there.


  • Once you’ve found your video on, you’ll see a section like this near the top right-hand corner of the page.

YouTube Video

  • Click in the "Embed" field to select all the code it shows there, then right-click your mouse and choose "Copy."
  • Now, go back to the page where you want to add the video (make sure it is in the Edit mode), and click the "Insert Plugin" button in the tool bar:

Insert Plugin

  • The Insert Plugin window will pop up. Roll your mouse over "Video and Photo" then click on "YouTube video."

Choose YouTube


  • Next, paste the code you copied from the YouTube video page into the box and then click the "Preview" button:

Paste Code

  • The video will appear in the window. Click on the "OK" button at the bottom of window.
  • Now you will see a green box with the YouTube logo on your page.

YouTube holder

  • If the green YouTube box is not where you want it on the page (should be under Photos & Video), you can drag and drop it where you do want it.
  • Click the "Save" button on the bottom of the page and the video will appear on the page